Borrowing an idea from the Chicago Church of Christ, we would like to host a Free Clothing Swap! Cliff and Britney Garstka have experienced this event and are looking for 8-10 volunteers to help conduct this.
Here’s how this event will work:
Over the next two weeks, we want everyone who is interested to clean out your closets!
BEFORE worship on Sunday morning, November 5th, we want you to bring in unwanted and unused clothing and shoes to ‘donate’ to this event. Drop off your items downstairs in the fellowship hall BEFORE service. Please have your items sorted by size and gender. Volunteers will take and sort your items and place them on organized tables during service. After service, everyone is welcome to come and see what is available for taking! Completely free. Bring your excess and take what you need. This model ONLY works by YOUR participation and giving.
We ask that items you bring are CLEAN, and free from stains or damage.
Ideally things should be in good or fair condition. If volunteers find items that are stained, damaged or distasteful, they will be removed from the Swap and discarded.
Ideas of what to bring:
Shoes and slippers
New or very gently used socks
Brand new underwear, never used or still in the package
Books & children’s books
Toys – make sure ALL pieces and parts are accounted for!
Purses, backpacks
Blankets, bedding, sheets
Costumes, dress-up clothes
What NOT to bring:
kitchen ware unless BRAND NEW
anything ripped, stained, damaged
Holiday decor again, unless BRAND new