We’re a group of Christians who love the Lord and His church. Individually and collectively we’re on a spiritual journey in which we’re actively seeking God and His guidance for our lives. We believe that God’s Word teaches, inspires and convicts us. We recognize that living a spiritually-minded life isn’t always the easiest, but it is the most rewarding and fulfilling life to live.
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word and the standard for everything we believe and do.
We are a very diverse church who strive to reflect the Body of Christ which is made up of many different parts.
Big Church, Small Groups
We are a big church made up of small groups, building family and community together.
Common Questions
You’ll find everything from casual clothes to business suits at our worship experiences. Our church is not about what you look like or what you wear. Dress in what is comfortable for you!
If you are joining us for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for a while. That’s fine with us!
We know that it can be a little scary visiting somewhere for the first time. Feel free to connect with us before HERE to ensure we are looking out for you!
When you get here, park in either parking lot, and go to the Welcome Center/ Sanctuary upstairs! Your family is in good hands!
At Kids Kingdom, your child won’t have a chance to be bored! Newborns through 5th graders have a ton of fun as they learn about Jesus through worship, age-specific lessons, and a variety of exciting activities that take place during service. Our goal is to make Sunday your child’s favorite day of the week!
The Infant class is on the second floor, the same as service. The Toddler - Fifth grade classes are downstairs; the easiest way to access those are from the back doors, by the parking lot. Preteens (6-8th grade) meet in the teen room after communion and you should see them on the right side when facing the stage, as well as the teen section.
We believe that generosity is important, but we also believe that we are here to serve you. If it's your first visit, we don't want you to feel any obligation to give. You are our honored guest, and if you start coming regularly, you'll never be expected to give any more than you feel you should.