Camp Information

Dear OVR Churches
Over the years our youth camps have played a huge role in God’s work of building faith in our families and churches. We are so thankful to God, and to all of you for supporting, serving and sending to these efforts. Last years camp was touched by God in a way unique to our decade of camp experience. Both teen and staff hearts were moved, life-changing decisions were made and lasting relationships were formed, and we praise God for it!

For the last few years we, the OVR church leaders and camp staff, have foreseen a dip in our participation that has further been exasperated through the challenges of the last few years. Each year we have struggled with how best to make camp the experience that God and we all desire it to be, and God has been so faithful through those decisions.

This year we were faced with an increasingly difficult decision. The dip in attendance numbers coupled with increase costs due to inflation has made hosting a financially solvent camp in the OVR very impractical. As we faced this reality we began to look for alternative ways to make camp happen that would be both financially wise and an amazing spiritual experience for the
young people.

We approached the Forge Camp in Philadelphia to discuss joining with them. The Forge, formerly Camp Hope For Kids, is owned and operated by disciples, host camp for the eastern part of the ACR family of churches and is one of the premier youth camp options in the world. Their facilities, staff and attendance has permanence, expertise and experience unrivaled in its
impact and they were excited to discuss our joining them.

The largest obstacle in this process is the distance we in the OVR would have to travel to get our children to camp. To help defer costs, The Forge has reduced their camp fee from $695 to
$525 for campers from the OVR. This is a slight increase from last year ($60) but includes three more days of camp so the per day cost is less.

We polled the families of OVR campers and well beyond the majority (+/-65%) said they support the transition to The Forge and would send their children. We talked to people who have participated in both the OVR Youth Camp and the Forge and their input was overwhelmingly supportive of sending campers to The Forge.

With all of the input, prayer and discussion we have finalized the decision to send our high school-age teens to camp at The Forge in Philadelphia this year. One of the main concerns as we discussed this transition was the loss of the close relationships developed in the OVR by the campers and staff. This is a huge part of the camp experience. To facilitate the ongoing development of these bonds, we have decided to continue to host Kingdom Kids/Pre-Teen Camp (3rd-7th grade) here in the OVR. This camp will be a full six days and will be in a new location, Cross Oak Camp & Retreat Center in St. Mary, OH.

The other step we will take is being very strategic in putting the OVR campers in cabins at The Forge. We want the OVR teen campers to connect and interact with the teens from all over the
ACR, but will strive to make sure they have close connections with OVR teens and staff in their cabins as well.

Here are the details for the camps:

Teen Camp at The Forge
-Rising 8th thru rising 12th grade
-Date: July 9-15
-Cost: $525.
-Registration is already open on the Camp Hope For Kids website.

OVR Youth Camp
-Rising 3rd thru rising 7th grade
-Cross Oak Camp & Retreat Center, St. Mary, OH
-Date: July 6-12
-Cost and registration details are forthcoming

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us (information below). Again we thank you so much for all that you have done to make camps such a special experience and we look for to God continuing to work miraculously in the future.

Rich & Amanda Bartoli
(304) 410-3687